Garland Ranch Regional Park

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Garland Ranch Regional Park is definitely one of the more beautiful hikes we have been on.  When we arrived we were a little worried that it was going to be crowded seeing as the carpark seemed to be exploding with cars, however there are so many trails in this nearly 4,500 acre park that we actually saw very few people.

And I apologize in advance, but you are about to be inundated with photographs.  I did cut it down though, I originally took over 90.  There were so many little things to see that I couldn't help but stop frequently to snap a few pictures.  I even got a little upset with hubby at one point because he wasn't stopping to notice all of the beautiful little flowers or fungi sprouting out of the moist ground after the recent rains.  His response "we'll just see it on your blog later".  I think he was still a little bitter that he didn't get to watch the hockey.  This beautiful sunny day was just too good to pass up though.

Garland Ranch hiking with kids

Garland Ranch

Garland Ranch Regional Park

Garland Ranch with kids  Garland Ranch Regional Park

flowers at Garland Ranch

hiking Garland Ranch Regional Park  hiking with kids Garland Ranch

Garland Ranch Regional Park  Garland Ranch

nature walks Monterey California

Garland Ranch Monterey California Hiking Monterey California with kids

Tell me, can you see my little man watching the waterfall?  He looks so tiny in comparison.

pet friendly hikes Monterey California Monterey California

hiking with kids Monterey California Hiking with kids Garland Ranch

Monterey California

Garland Ranch Regional Park

We didn't even see a 1/4 of the park today, so I really look forward to getting back there to explore more of the trails.  The kids did great however on the 2.92 miles we did hike. 

Tip:  We have downloaded the Trails – GPS Tracker on hubby's iPhone so that we can start tracking exactly how far we go on each hiking expedition.

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cat@juggling act March 1, 2010 - 2:00 am

Oh my, that was beautiful thanks! Love the puppykins pic.

Shannon March 1, 2010 - 10:30 am

That place is amazing, isn’t it?! We hiked a good part of a day away there while on our honeymoon. And you’re right, its HUGE, there was still so much more to see, it just kept going on and on. Maybe someday we’ll live closer so we can explore it some more (with the kids this time)! Great pictures and thanks for the “flashback”!


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