By day three of the kids Legoland birthday weekend we were a little over dressing in costumes, but I still wanted the kids to have something special (and fun) to wear.   Of course being the theme obsessed person that I am, it was only natural that I would gravitate toward LEGO.

Lego clothing

What you need:

  • Plain t-shirt and/or dress – I found this plain black t-shirt and dress at
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard or cutting board
  • Fabric paint or fabric marker

Print out a coloring page or template (you can find them online), and cut around the edges of the LEGO man.  I adjusted mine a little because I wanted it to look a little more square and the arms to be a little higher.

Place a cutting board or cardboard inside the shirt or dress, also make sure that your clothing is wrinkle free before beginning.

Pin the cut template onto the clothing, and using your fabric marker or fabric paint outline the template.  Set aside to dry.

I painted these at our hotel the day before the kids wore them and left them out on the balcony to dry for 24 hours.

Here are a few Instagram photos from our fun day.

Legoland fun

The kids were given fun party hats, buttons, and a special LEGO brick for their birthday from the Fun Town Market where we had lunch.  They drove the big kid cars for the first time, Flynn played snake handler in a show, and climbed a brick wall, and they saw a couple of fun show and got wet at the Big Test fire show.


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1 comment

Twoxstwo October 17, 2012 - 10:57 am

Oh I love this post Tanya! We grabbed season passes last year in preparation for the kids to have their birthday party there and we never did do it. I can’t wait to get back there. Carlsbad is one of my favorite cities in Cali.


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