A Birthday Cake for a Teenage Girl

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

I had the privilege yesterday of decorating a cake for a very sweet girl who celebrates her 14th birthday today.  Happy birthday M.  Her mum had seen a photo of a cake that she loved and so it was re-created using her daughter's favorite colors.

Teenage Girl Birthday Cake
A wooden letter (purchased at Michaels) was painted to match the fondant colors.

Fondant Colors:

Black:  I had heard that black fondant could taste a little bitter, especially if made directly from white fondant and adding black dye to it.  So after a little research on the Wilton site, I came across this recipe where you use dark cocoa candy melts to color the icing brown before adding the black dye.

Turquoise: The turquoise color was made with basic white fondant and I added a small amount of Sky Blue icing color with the Teal icing color. 

Lime Green: The lime green was made by mixing Yellow Lemon and Sky Blue icing colors into the basic white fondant. You need to use more yellow than blue though.

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Daniela Parsley May 5, 2010 - 2:53 pm

I love the cake and the colors match perfect together… you’re amazing! I can’t believe how fast you’re doing this.. it tooke me a WHILE till I got to be good. Congrats!!

Tonya Staab May 5, 2010 - 3:07 pm

Coming from the Queen of cake decorating, thank you :).

You are well and truly ‘there’ my beautiful friend, your cakes are simply amazing.

laura May 5, 2010 - 12:13 pm

OMG! that cake is awesome and it is perfect for my #4 daughter’s 14th birthday. when can i pick it up!

cat@juggling act May 6, 2010 - 4:06 am

Absolutely beautiful.

angie May 6, 2010 - 12:50 pm

Can I just say, “Oh. My. Stars.”.


cakengifts.in June 8, 2017 - 4:56 am

wah!!! It is very amazing!!! On my friend’s Anniversary day we will recommend this cake to all our friends.


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