Mother’s Day Tea and Handmade Poem Handprint Cards

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

These handmade handprint poem cards are the perfect gift that kids can make for their mom this Mother’s Day.

I was invited to Mother's Day Tea at the twins preschool today.  The kids helped make cheesecake in little cups that was delish, they made us presents and they sang us a song.


I wish I could share the video of them singing on here, but I have other kids in the video too so to respect the privacy of those parents and their children I won't. However, here are the words to the song:

I love my mommy

I love my mommy

Yes I do

Yes I do

Mommy's are for hugging

Mommy's are for hugging

Mommy's are for kissing

{kiss, kiss, kiss}

I love you

I love you

Yes I do

Yes I do

Happy Mother's Day!

I was all teary-eyed as they were singing.

Here are the special gifts they made us:

Mothers Day crafts for kids
 Mother's Day craft projects for kids

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1 comment

Claire May 6, 2010 - 11:19 pm

The gifts are something to put in your treasure box -I had a tear in my eyes!


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