by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

the-toddler-cookbook-cover1 Having recently booked myself and Jay into cooking classes (a little mother/son bonding time) it got me thinking that I'd love to host a cooking party for Marisol and her girlfriends one day.

Invite: 5-6 friends

Guests to bring:  pyjamas, sleeping bag and pillow

Party: Teach the children how to cook their own party snacks.  They get to enjoy eating their own cooking while watching a movie and then pillow fights galore, painting of nails, hair being done and hopefully a little sleeping will be had.

Host supplies: Food for cooking, a movie and a gift bag for each child attending. 

The gift bag idea came to me today as I was putting together a gift for a birthday party we attended tonight.  If you are crafty you may want to try your hand at making aprons and chef hats for the mini chef's or you can pick them up at places like Oriental Trading for $9.99 per dozen … I actually have these ones and they are great. I bring them out at parties for children doing art projects.  You could even personalize each one or have the party girls decorate their own.

The above book The Toddler Cookbook has fabulous recipes that are perfect, I think, for ages 4 and up.  I can't imagine my 2 year olds being able to do a lot of them.  I did purchase this book today for a 4 year old so I'll be interested to hear what her mum thinks of it.

This is the rest of the gift bag I put together for the birthday girl.  You can probably find similar items in the $1 section at Target or a 99c store.  I think this would be a great gift bag (party favor) for a cooking party.


See the cute little apron.  This photograph definitely doesn't do it justice but it is this one.  There's a matching chef hat too.  Absolutely adorable.  Unfortunately I can't find many places on-line in the U.S. that stock this particular brand, but I purchased the set (and there were many more in amazing patterns) from Great News in San Diego.

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The Eadle Family February 26, 2009 - 4:00 pm

Very cute! Will have to throw a cooking party for the girls and their friends when they are older.

Karli February 26, 2009 - 4:00 pm

Saw you on Today’s Creative Blog. What a fun blog you have. I’ll be back soon!

TheClayMuse February 26, 2009 - 4:00 pm

Cooking parties are such fun. Growing up all my birthday parties were crafty make your own… I think the make your party foods were always my favorite!Great Blogs!

Shannon February 27, 2009 - 4:00 pm

Sounds like fun! I will have to find that toddler cookbook…not just for a party, but for whenever. Great ideas 🙂

Elizabeth February 27, 2009 - 4:00 pm

I saw the cutest “my baking mats” at the Dollar Tree the other day. I wanted to buy about 12 of them just for a future party but decided not to yet. They are a silicone square and they say something like “my baking mat” and it has a cute little girl and boy chef on it.


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