Scent Decor Tips from Nate Berkus

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Sick of the musty smells in your home? Or those created by dirty clothing, trash, and pets? Here are some great tips from Nate Berkus.

Disclosure: I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

How many of us have watched the Febreeze advertisements on television about going noseblind? The one that I always think about is the one with the cats – you know, you think your home smells like ‘this’, but your guests think it smells like ‘this’.

We have four dogs. We also have 2 kids here full time, and another 4 here on occasion, plus the neighborhood kids who pop in from time to time. I’m not oblivious to how my house can smell. There have been days when I’ve walked inside and wanted to walk right back out again. Candles, air fresheners, carpet cleaners and fabric refreshers have become my best friend.

family room in green, brown, and blue

The above photo is our front room. One of the first rooms you see when you walk into our home. To the kids it’s known as the ‘quiet room’. They have the loft for their toys, video games and television and then we have a family room off our kitchen and dining area where we often play games, watch movies, relax once the kids are in bed. This room though is drenched in light and is more of a peaceful space. It’s where we often sit with visitors, where the Christmas tree is set up over the holidays, and where we sit if we want to do a quiet activity like read or play cards. I like the cooler more natural colors in this room. It’s a space where you want to gather your thoughts and relax.

string art and candles on a table

I especially love candles. The smell of a room can change your mood dramatically. We have candles all over the home which I love to light from time to time.

If you are looking for tips for adding those special finishing touches and incorporating Scent Décor into your design aesthetic, then Nate Berkus has some fabulous advice for you.

Scent is that finishing touch that gives a room personality. Make it a reflection of you. ~ Nate Berkus

Switch things up

When you get bored with your room, the easiest thing to do is switch it up! Consider moving your sofa to another wall, bring in a side table from another room, swap out your throw pillows. You can totally refresh a room without spending a cent. For curtains, couches and rugs that can’t be washed, a few spritzes of Unstopables Fabric Refresher will add long-lasting freshness.

Mix and match with panache

Breathe some life into your home by playing with patterns, textures, colors and fragrances that inspire. Your space should be a reflection of who you are… adding scent brings it all together.

Live beautifully

Everyone deserves to live beautifully. By adding small, thoughtful touches you can transform any room into a haven. Simple things like crisp white sheets on the bed, a small vase with flowers, and water on your nightstand, you can make a bedroom feel luxe. By incorporating Unstopables in-wash scent boosters in your laundry routine, you can get long-lasting freshness for up to 12 weeks*. *Out of storage.

spray bottle of unstoppables refreshing a kids bedroom

About Unstopables

With Unstopables you create your own Scent Décor – a personal scent profile that you can use to style and upscale your environment (whether it’s home, linens, office or even the clothes you love to wear) for long-lasting everyday luxury.

My personal favorite is ‘lush’, which is in the bottle with the purple lid. It’s the first thing you smell when you enter our home now. I have the Unstopables Scented Oil Warmer plugged in under a table by the front door. It’s the perfect location for the scent to travel upstairs toward the kids loft and our bedroom, along with the front room and dining room downstairs.

wall plug-in air freshener under a desk

Have you tried P&G Unstopables?

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