Summer Vacation Road Trip Checklist

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Plan your next road trip with my essential summer road trip checklist for everything you need to pack and take care of before you go.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

We made it through spring break, and summer break is just around the corner. We have 2 months off. 2 MONTHS!

The kids and I are leaving the California beaches behind for a couple of weeks and heading east to Kentucky for a little fishing, boating, making s’mores by the fire, farm fun, and canoeing through caves. I cannot wait to give them these new experiences that they’ve never had before. But of course, I’m already in full planning mode.

As you are reading this post I’m already in Kentucky preparing bedrooms, booking cabins and canoes, and my boyfriend is building a pontoon for his lake, fixing his tractor and wagon for hayrides, and setting up an archery zone for my little man to practice.

I tend to not just go into things blind and leave them until the last minute. I like to have a plan, and a back-up plan, and lists. I’m the biggest list person. I make a list every single morning of everything I have to do that day. So preparing for a trip is no different, I don’t want to forget a single thing.

And so I’ve created a handy printable checklist that you can download and use for road trips this summer too. Just click on the image below to download and print the PDF file.

But this isn’t all you need to remember. This covers just the basics of preparing for a road trip.

Don’t forget to check supplies ahead of time. Things such as:

  • sunscreen
  • toiletries
  • lip balm
  • wet wipes
  • that your first aid and sewing kit is fully stocked

Too often we leave these things until the last minute and then scramble to order items, or run to the store to pick things up.

This is where Amazon Dash comes in.

Amazon Dash Button is a Wi-Fi connected device that reorders everyday essentials with the press of a button. Each Dash Button is paired with a product of your choice, which is selected during the set-up process. When you’re running low, simply press Dash Button—ensuring you never run out of your essentials again.

So for example, I always travel with travel toothbrushes. You know, the ones that fold up, because I hate taking my regular toothbrush; the bristles rubbing up against everything else in my toiletry bag (like my hairbrush and makeup).

And sunscreen too. Throughout winter you’ve probably barely thought to check sunscreen supplies at home, let alone make sure that there’s enough for a vacation. That handy little button will have sunscreen delivered in no time.

TIP: Keep your Amazon Dash buttons by your travel supplies such as travel documents, or suitcases. This way you can order essential items with the press of the button.

Amazon Dash Button allows you to reorder from leading brands – including Bounty, Tide, Charmin, Puff’s, Glad, Clorox, Cascade, Gatorade, Maxwell House, smartwater, Izze, Larabar, Olay, Gillette, Goldfish Crackers, Colgate, Playtex, L’Oreal, Gerber, Wellness, Finish, Optimum Nutrition, Greenies, Hefty, Ziploc, Ice Breakers, Digestive Advantage, Mrs. Meyers and many more. So, when you’re running low on an everyday essential, simply press an Amazon Dash Button to automatically reorder an item at the same low prices you find sold by Amazon online and with free Prime shipping.

Order your own Amazon Dash Buttons for your favorite brands (listed above). They are essentially free—with the first order through a Dash Button, you receive a $4.99 credit to your Amazon account.

And if you are worried about little fingers pressing on those oh so tempting buttons, don’t worry, Amazon has also put some special safeguards in place, so Dash Button responds only to your first press until your order is shipped and arrives on your doorstep. But to be on the safe side, keep them out of reach of the kids, because we all know how much they love to press buttons.

** In celebration of the two-year anniversary of the Amazon Dash Button , from March 31 – April 7, customers can buy an Amazon Dash Button for $0.99 and still receive a $4.99 credit back after their first press of the button. **


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