The Martha Stewart Blog Show

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Martha stewart blog show
I flew, I tweeted from airports, and I flipped through 8 magazines over 12 hours and 3 flights.

And that was just to get to New York City.


To attend the taping of the Martha Stewart Blog Show last week.

Martha Stewart blog show

My beautiful friend Jen (Just Ask A Woman) came too – she and her wonderful husband put me up and had wine waiting for me when I arrived the evening before the show.  Have I mentioned how much I love them.

At the show I met up with some fabulous bloggers: Dawn and Elizabeth (Partybluprints), Jennifer (Savor The Thyme) – who I had met at BlogHer last year, Jennifer Perrillo (In Jennie's Kitchen) and Niri (Mommy Niri) - who got prime position front and center.  So jealous.  One amazing person I met, ever so briefly, is Kamran.  He's 17 and the most inspiring chef and photographer.  Check out his site The Sophisticated Gourmet

The Guests:

The foodie handbookThere was Andrew Ritchie of Martha Moments. And he's not a scary stalker.  Martha refers to him as "very well informed".  He did a great job on his segment doing a fabulous yarn card craft with Martha.

Pim Techamuanvivit  of Chez Pim made Pad Thai (here's the recipe).  It smelled delicious.  We were all salivating in the bleachers.  Everyone in the audience received a copy of Pim's book The Foodie Handbook.   I read it on my flight home.  It's fabulous and I can't wait to try some of the recipes in it.

Martha taught blogger Jeff Blumenkrantz of Jeff and Martha: My Year of Cooking Fabulously how to frost a cake.  It was an Orange Almond cake with Italian Meringue Buttercream Frosting {pausing to mop up drool}. 

The opinionated and rather snarky Alexis Stewart (Martha's daughter) and hilariously funny and real Jennifer Koppleman-Hutt of Whatever and Whatever Martha were also guests. 

You also need to check out the story of Brianna Campbell.

The Links:

Subscribe to Martha's blog

Follow Martha Stewart on twitter @MarthaStewart and @TheMarthaShow

Follow the twitter conversation from the #blogshow

You can watch the Blog Show here

And last, but not least, here is a complete list of bloggers who attended the Blog Show.  Be sure to check them out.  There are quite a few who blog about food, entertaining and design. 

The disappointments:

Not meeting Martha

Not trying any of that delicious food.

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dana January 20, 2010 - 2:27 pm

This is just tooooooooo cool!!!!!!


Dawn January 20, 2010 - 7:32 pm

You are even more fabulous in person. I am so glad I got the chance to meet you IRL. I knew you would be as warm and wonderful as are here on your blog!

angie January 20, 2010 - 4:07 pm

So, so cool. How’d you get on the invite list? I want to hear more.

Anissa January 21, 2010 - 6:38 am

Sounds like an awesome trip Tonya!

Not Just a Mommy! January 25, 2010 - 9:10 am

Happy Belated New Year! How awesome; you definately got closer to Martha than most of her ‘constituents’ ever will. I wish I lived closer to any kind of opportunity to meet my idols. Surprisingly, not alot of people come out to Seattle! 🙂

niri January 30, 2010 - 4:09 pm

SO good to see you Tonya! Nice to see someone outside of NY make it to the show. Ever find out what the blue stripe on the ticket meant?


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