Yesterday was the last day of our 5 day road trip so we are now home and back to reality again.
Our morning started in our lodgings (Navy Lodge in Monterey) with Marisol trying to help us pack our suitcases and Flynn trying to get daddy out of bed.
The kids had a chance to have some fun in the little playground at the Navy Lodge while we were loading up the car and trying to fix the luggage container on top of the Jeep which conveniently decided to not lock.
The first stop on our 7 10 hour drive was Dennis the Menace playground in Monterey. This playground is HUGE and so much fun for kids of all ages. We thought we should let the kids burn off a ton of energy so they would sleep for the first few hours of the drive … and it worked.
2nd stop on our road trip home was Frazier Park. We grabbed some lunch and took the kids to, yes you guessed it, another playground. If you look closely at the photo of the playground with the mountains behind it, you may notice the spots of snow at the top. It certainly wasn't cold where we were though. Most of our drive home the temperature was between 90 and 96 degrees.
Unfortunately we didn't time our drive home very well and ended up in Los Angeles right in the middle of rush hour traffic. It couldn't have been worse so after looking at the map on our GPS Betty we drove around to find more playgrounds to entertain the kids so they didn't lose their minds sitting in traffic. The first 2 playgrounds were already locked up for the evening but we found another little playground just south of Los Angeles.
4 PLAYGROUNDS IN ONE DAY?!?!?! I’m seriously exhausted just looking at all the fun pics!!! :o)
Ditto to what Bre said! LOL about butt crack mountain, Jay was right on! Glad you are home safe and sound and that the drive home went better than the way here!!!
lovely, tonya. buttcrack mtn….HAHA!!!awesome pics.
4 playgrounds? Holy! I hope mama got a nap in between play grounds too!!! Love butt crack mountain!
Playgrounds are my favorite things these days as well. I have found myself driving different routes to look for new parks for the kids. Flynn is a daredevil. He is such a good climber.
4 playgrounds?!?! You amaze me! Looks like Marisol is slimming down, I noticed her cute little legs. And Flynn is such a boy, a rough & tumble little man.
I loved all the pictures, it shows that you had so much fun!!!!!!!!
You take such beautiful pictures! Loved butt crack mountain! And I can’t believe you did 4 playgounds! Crazy woman! So sad to be back home isn’t it?
What a fun trip! Marisol and Flynn look like they have both gone through a growth spurt! Such cuties!
Looks like your trip was a lot of fun. I have a question for you — how did you know where to find the playgrounds? I know of another mother who did this exact same thing and now I’m convinced there must be some magical map or website that gives you the location of all the playgrounds — or was it pure brilliantness on your part? Please share you secret :-)K
Kj: No brilliance on my part. It’s just a little thing called Betty our GPS. We look for little green patches on the map and drive around to the closest ones until we find a park that’s open and not full of drug dealers. This was quite difficult in LA because we drove past one park full of gangs (police even there arresting someone) and 2 parks were locked for the evening. The one we eventually settled on was opposite a school and there were a few families there playing ball with their kids so it seemed nice enough.