A little while ago we were at my friend Natalie's house for her son Jack's birthday party. You can see more from the party here, here, and here – there's fabulous tips if you are looking for rainbow, scavenger hunt, or balloon party ideas. Anyway, I went to check on Flynn who was happily playing in Jack's bedroom when I noticed some fabulous storage bins in the top of Jack's closet. They were labeled 'too big', 'too small', and 'toys'. I needed to do this (at least for the kids clothes). So I did.
My sister sends clothes from Australia for Flynn when my nephew grows out of them, and I frequently buy clothes on clearance that are a size too big, and let's not forget about the clothes they grow out of as fast as I seem to hang them in the closet.
I didn't think to ask Natalie whether she'd purchased her bins with labels on them, or if she had DIY'd them herself. Nonetheless, I thought they would be fairly easy to make.
I popped into Target and picked up 4 bins for $5.99 each. Then using a sheet of printer labels, and some Martha Stewart chalkboard paint that I had at home I set to work.
I painted four coats of chalkboard paint on the labels (allowing each coat to dry before painting the next), then left them overnight to dry. The next morning I labeled each and attached them to the bins.
Now if I ever need the bins for something else I can remove the labels, or erase the chalk and re-label them in the future.
Ha! You are awesome- I have been meaning to do a post about those tubs forever and I keep forgetting. I love the way you did yours- mine are just cardstock scraps, but I do love the system. So glad you liked it!
Brilliant T! I pinned that idea. What are of Target were those bins in? I need them!!!!
thanks Shar. Storage and organization section. They are with all the storage bins you can get for the garage.
Great!!!! I have ten million t00-smalls and too- bigs to use this for. 🙂
oh me too, they were taking over.
Ha, no problem Susan. I found them in the organization aisle. The one with all the storage bins for the garage.
I love the “too big” “too small” bins!!! great idea! will you share where you bought them? thanks!
OOPs –just saw that you bought them at target–can you share what department? thanks
THANKS!! i was just at target today–might have to make another run in the next couple of days!! thanks again!
I love your bins and will be heading to Target to grab some up. I use to cloth bins at the bottom of my girls closet to collect “goodwill” and for shoes. But I am making that space a reading nook so I will be moving them to the top shelf of the closet. I think these bins would be perfect for organizing all of that stuff.
Hello, so I am on a search for those plastic bins! I looked online, but couldn’t find them 🙁
What is the brand? essentials?
Katrina, the ones I purchased are RE (Room Essentials) Flex Tubs
Cool, thank you. I was at Target last weekend and didn’t see them.
Here are images, can you pinpoint which these are
Those are round, the ones I purchased are square. I've googled all kinds of things to try and find them.
I haven't seen them in my local store lately, but with back-to-school and now holidays, they are removing a lot of stuff to make room.
Hi! I love this idea. Also wanted to let you know that Martha Stewart now sells removable chalkboard labels!
Hi Susan, I’m not sure if you were ever able to find these, but I was at my local Target last night and noticed that they have put these bins back into stock again, they were available in 3 colors including red.
Hi Katrina, I’m not sure if you were ever able to track these down, but I was shopping at my local Target last night and noticed they had brought them back. They are available in 3 colors in my store including red and are in the storage box area, they had them on an aisle end.
I love this idea! For the too small bucket I would donate/hand down the clothes once it was full. 🙂
What a great idea! I love your post and I love chalkboard labels. My newest fascination is organizing whole house with them. I just post on my blog article “Tame the mess with chalkboard labels. Part 1 – toddler room” and I made your idea part of it.