Making Books For Kids About Colors

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Making books for kids is so easy and so much fun. The books we’ve created are all about colors with fun pictures, poems, and activities.

For Christmas this year I have decided to go handmade for the majority of our children’s gifts.

One of the gifts the twins will be receiving is a set of handmade books. They are 2 years old and love the alphabet, counting, and colors. They also love to read flick through the pages of books and point to all of the things they know and ask about the things that they don’t.

Homemade books

Each of the pages I designed for the book was created on Scrapblog. I mostly used clipart on the computer to make these books, then printed each of the pages and glued them into cardboard books that I found at Oriental Trading – 7″ cardboard ‘Design Your Own Story Books’ for $9.99.

The pages and front and back covers were glued to the cardboard using Mod Podge. An extra layer of Mod Podge was brushed over the front and back covers to protect them. 

Craft tip: When gluing the pages inside the book leave about 2mm from the center, otherwise when the book opens and closes the inside section may begin to peel up. Once the glue is dry, use a fine sheet of sandpaper and rub gently down the center divide of each page. This will make the print-out pages blend in with the cardboard so it looks like you’ve printed directly onto the cardboard and not glued pages down. Close the book and very gently rub the sandpaper over the ends of the pages too so that if you have cut your pages by hand (like me) you don’t see the scissor marks or uneven edges.

Blue book

blue book for kids
Homemade blue book for kids.

Brown book

brown book for kids
Homemade brown book for kids.

Pink book

pink book for kids
Homemade pink book for kids

Green book

green book for kids
Homemade green book for kids

Orange book

homemade orange book for kids
Homemade orange book for kids.

Red book

red book
Homemade red book for kids.

More homemade book ideas for kids

Are you looking for more fun homemade book ideas for kids? Take a look at these:

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The Romero-Schroeder November 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

So great you are very talented

Scrappinfor3 November 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

What fantastic ideas you have!

Tismee2 November 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

What a great idea and something to keep and pass down to others. I saw something similar before which had textures in it too. I meant to make one myself but unlike you, I never got around to it.Oh and thanks a lot for linking to Scrapblog. Like I really need another website to get hooked on!

EJ November 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

Tonya! You always amaze me! You come up with the best ideas! I love the idea of making Elijah his own books when the time comes too! Not only will they mean more to the kids when they get older because their mom made them, but they can be customized to you child and his development. They look so great but seem to be so cheap simple to make. Youre such a talented and caring mommy! hehe3 erinP.S. New blog is almost done! Having trouble coming up with a new name. I have it titled From Son up to Son Down right now but dont think I like that enough to stick with it and Lovin the Baby is too plain sounding. But anyway will let you know when its fully functional!

3XMom November 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

wow! this is SOOO cool. I am so stealing this idea!!! Thanks

Kj November 19, 2008 - 4:00 pm


danielle November 19, 2008 - 4:00 pm

what a great beautiful idea!! You could have a whole line of these color book!!

3XMom November 19, 2008 - 4:00 pm

how do you print out your scrapblog pages? I can’t figure it out. Feel free to email off line mbooth underscore 98 at yahoo dot com

Shannon November 19, 2008 - 4:00 pm


[email protected] November 20, 2008 - 4:00 pm

Wow, this is amazing! I’ll be linking to this.

Simone November 20, 2008 - 4:00 pm

These are beautiful. I love that you used scrablog to design them. Thanks for including my blog in your roster.

Charissa November 20, 2008 - 4:00 pm

I have used Scrapblog before, but I thought when they started offering printing, they discontinued the ability to download your jpgs. Have you figured out a way to do it?

* TONYA * November 20, 2008 - 4:00 pm

I can export my scrap pages as a jpg. I had no trouble viewing them in Picasa or Adobe Photoshop to save them.

Sharlene December 4, 2008 - 4:00 pm

Seriously- sell these books!

Amy December 18, 2008 - 4:00 pm

wow! That’s so cool- I’m going to have to try this out! You are so incredibly talented! It’s good to be back and see what’s going on in your world! 🙂

emerzim January 6, 2009 - 4:00 pm

Really lovely idea. I’m booking marking it. I think it would work well for all the toddler birthday parties we’ve been going to lately!

Tonya Staab December 7, 2009 - 5:58 pm

Hi Imma,

All of the pictures used for the books were from Scrapblog. It’s possible that Scrapblog have replaced some of their images with new ones, but I would think they are still there somewhere.

When I created the books I added just the color I wanted into the image search box (ie blue) and not the name of the image. This may help you locate more images in the color you choose to do.

Imma December 7, 2009 - 3:53 pm

Hello! I’m trying to do that! Could you tell me where do you find the pictures of the birds, butterflies, umbrella, beetlee? I’ve doing with Scrapblog but I didn’t find this pictures. Thanks!
Sorry for my english, but I was writing from Spain.

Imma December 8, 2009 - 2:03 am

Thanks Tonya,

But I just started to prove the Scrapblog and I’ve some questions.
The images you search, do you meansthe stickers?
So, do you go to get stickers, and you added blue in the search box?
So do you search in collections, in colours, or categories?



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