Daddy and Daughter Craft Project

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

This morning Miss M asked me to do a craft kit with her, I was just sitting down to start something else and told her we would do it later, I was quite surprised that my husband immediately jumped in and set to work on it with her.

Craft kits are the perfect way for a daddy and daughter to bond and do a
fun activity together, especially if the dad isn't all that crafty.

Makedo Doll House

These Makedo kits come with complete step-by-step instructions, and materials required for assembling the dollhouse.  All you need to do is track down some boxes.

Daddy sent Miss M to locate boxes for the project, and then helped her assemble them using the provided safe-saw, lock-hinges and clips.

She then took over to decorate her dollhouse with the stickers that came in the box. 

cardboard dollhouse
how to make a dollhouse out of a box
She's so happy with her project, and I think it's so great that she was able to do this one with her daddy.

I cannot remember where I purchased our Makedo dollhouse, but you can find more details about them on the Makedo website.   They've got a great collection of kits on there, we have another couple here that I can't wait to work on with the kids … or have my husband work on with them.

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