Garrapata State Park

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Cold, windy days don't stop us from heading to the beach.  Well, let's re-phrase.  Cold, windy days don't stop the kids from wanting to go to the beach, however they keep me wrapped up snug as a bug under my hoodie.  But, we head to the beach anyway.

We took another trip down to Big Sur last week with friends.  We headed to Garrapata State Park beach.  If you blink you'll miss the little sand turn-out to the entrance.  I'm not kidding.  Thankfully, we were following our friends there, otherwise we never would have found it with the infinite number of turn-outs where you can take short hikes to different viewing points and beaches along that stretch of Highway 1.  Once you have located the spot though, there is a narrow, sandy path leading through the brush, down a curvy stairwell, across a rickety plank over a little creek and down to a rocky area, where, we had to wade across a small body of water to get across to the beach.  One would think with 4 kids under 6, 3 trucks and beach gear this would seem a little daunting, but it wouldn't be an adventure without a few obstacles to overcome.

And, on this cold, windy day, aside from the occasional person out walking along the sand, we were the only ones enjoying the vast expanse of sand and taking in the breathtaking views.

Garrapata beach

Central Coast Beaches

Garrapata State Park

Garrapata State Beach

Garrapata Beach

Garrapata State Park

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