Inspire Acts of Kindness with 100 Good Deeds Bracelets

by Tonya Staab
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If you are looking for ways to give back, the 100 Good Deeds Bracelet will remind you daily to perform random acts of kindness.

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Everywhere Agency to talk about Macy’s and The 100 Good Deeds Bracelet, but thoughts and opinions are my own.

#100GoodDeeds is not just a phrase. It’s a lifestyle. It’s about changing the world, and doing it in the most fashionable way possible. The 100 Good Deeds Bracelet not only inspires simple acts of kindness, but also transforms communities by empowering the vulnerable women around the world who craft the bracelets by hand. 

 “Never be so busy as not to think of others.” – Mother Teresa

Do you know amazing women who do good deeds? Whether it’s your friend who also pays it forward in the Starbucks drive-thru, to the friend who takes warm blankets and food to the homeless. to those who travel to other countries to volunteer their time and expertise to help those less fortunate. The simplest act of kindness can mean so much.

Some of the women in my life inspire me to be a better person every single day. From my sister-in-law who is an amazing foster parent, to my girlfriend who is vegan, but the type of vegan who is out there actually saving animals, taking animals into her home during storms, and is extremely passionate about what she believes in.

How to make positive change and do good deeds

Each morning when your feet hit the floor, are you consciously thinking of ways in which you can make a positive change and/or difference in someone’s life that day? Leaving virtual footprints in the hearts and minds of those who may feel lost and forgotten is achieved when we choose to give, with no expectations of receiving anything back in return. When we honor our higher purpose of being a light, not for our good, but the greater good of others, we encourage, and hopefully create, a legacy of “do-gooders” beyond our generation. There are no pats on the back, or PR stunts laden with feigned humility for notoriety. Your “good deeds” are truly the world’s best-kept secrets — hence, the premise and the meaning behind the 100 Good Deeds Bracelet.

Mary Fisher, the designer of the 100 Good Deeds Bracelets, and the face of the movement, believes that “a ‘good deed’ means we’ve gone out of our way to help someone, and only counts if the deed remains anonymous.” These bracelets are not only a fashion statement, but also an everyday reminder to its wearer to do good deeds.

Did you know that the very act of purchasing a bracelet is a good deed? Simply buying a bracelet helps the many women across the world who handcraft the jewelry support their families. Other singular good deeds may include:

  • Anonymously paying the rent of a single mom who’s down on her luck.
  • Sending flowers to a lonely elderly neighbor who rarely receives visitors.
  • Leaving clothes, toys, food, etc. on the doorsteps of struggling families in the neighborhood.
  • Paying for the order of the person behind you in line at Starbucks

How the 100 Good Deeds bracelet works

  • Wrap it around your wrist three times. The bracelet is available in Petite/Small and Medium/Large, depending on wrist size.
  • Adjust the length, sliding the knot along the cord and closer to the “1GD”
  • Each time you do a good deed, move the ring one bead closer to the “1GD” button.
  • Bracelets are made by vulnerable women in Africa, Haiti, India, Bali, Indonesia and the United States, many who are HIV+. This project gives the women a way to support their families through their earnings.

Head on over to to purchase your own bracelet for $30, or gift one to someone who inspires you by doing amazing things for others. These bracelets are handmade and come in a variety of colors

Let’s set the stage to ”Do good, one deed, one bead, one act of kindness at a time.”

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