Pennypickle’s Workshop

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

If you live in Southern California and are looking for something fun to do with the kids this weekend, head to Temecula and take them to Pennypickle's Workshop.  Temecula is located about an hour north of San Diego in Riverside County. 

Kids are going to absolutely love this fun, educational, and hands-on children's museum.  Entrance to the museum is done in sessions, there are 2-3 sessions per day, so find one that fits with your time frame.  They are normally closed on Monday's, however with the long weekend, they will be open this coming Monday. 

I have a few photos to share from our visit there, however, I did forget my camera (I know, again), so please forgive me for all of the grainy cell phone shots.  I'm really going to have to just leave a camera in my car from now on aren't I?

Pennypickles Workshop Temecula

Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
Pennypickles Workshop Temecula
This gives you an indication though of some of the fun activities the kids will enjoy.  There are lots of dark tunnels with things that glow in the dark, they can spin on the rumpus rotational, make music, build a tower and watch it tumble in an earthquake, and you will never have to say 'don't touch that'.  Touching, experimenting and tinkering is highly encouraged.

Visit the Pennypickle's Workshop website for session times.

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Jacquie@KCEdventures February 15, 2013 - 11:00 am

Wow! What a cool place!! I love places that are fun and educational – they type where the kids get so involved that they don’t realize they’re learning and places where we parents can also learn a few new things.

Km February 22, 2013 - 7:42 pm

Ohhhh what an amazing place…. I want to go! :). My kiddos might like it too… Hehehehehe

Tonya Staab February 25, 2013 - 12:46 pm

Just quietly, I think my husband had more fun than the kids 🙂


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