Yesterday the kids and I took off bright and early (9:30 IS early alright). We headed to the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. They have so many fantastic activities for the kids to do including a room called Kid City for little ones under 5. We had a great time and even bumped into a couple of friends and their little ones too.
What do you mean I'm too big for this house?
She'll be food shopping for me in no time.
Him not so much. He'll be the kid pushing his mates around the streets in the shopping cart and ploughing people down.
Just because this is so sweet.
He may look like his daddy, but he takes after his mummy.
Jayden, the bathroom is around the corner and down the stairs.
Jay had a great time checking out the different science exhibits
No, this is not what I look like without make-up … I don't think. Apparently this is what I'll look like when I'm 70. Mmmm.
Afterward he had a wander around the Spanish Village Art Center. It's so beautiful. There are so many talented artists and such beautiful studios and galleries to see.
Ok, now im sure of it. Besides mine, You have the 3 most beautiful children in the whole world! hehe 🙂 I love seeing the photos of them, it always brightens my day and puts a huge smile on my face. Especially when my child is currently screaming in my face because of gas pains. LOL! Besides the science center smithsonian in DC, We have a place here in Maryland, In Baltimore called Port Discovery. I CANNOT wait to take Eli there when hes old enough! I cant wait to take ME there again! LOL! the crafts and activities are so neat and the learning rooms are fantastic. Its such a great place. YAY for family trips! I cant wait until Elijah is old enough! HEHE I sound like a little kid! ~erin
Gosh, these aging simulations is just way too realistic. Love the pic of M J
wow – the kids looked like they had a ball of fun.Too far for us *pout*
You are a great mommy taking your kiddohs to the fun places!
what a fun day…I think you’ll look really good at 70…I would be surprised to see what I look like. Great pics tonya!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time you got some great photos… what an awesome day!
That looks so fun! Cracking up at Jay on the toliet! My sis is supposed to be getting us a year membership for the museums for Christmas, I can’t wait!I did one of those aging things at Disney, they gotta be wrong…right??
Great pictures as alwyas, WOW about the age simulator
Great pics…the captions crack me up! Love the So Sweet one of Marisol….such a beauty!! And when you’re 70 you’ll look MUCH HOTTER than that…lol!!
They have a way to look at yourself when you are 70? I so don’t want to see myself at that age. Because I am stuck at age 28. Permanently and forever.
It looks like a lot of fun except for that aging machine. You are brave, I would have cried had I seen myself. I like the sun!
That aging things is pretty scary! I don’t think I want to know lol. Although I think I can just look at pictures of my Grandma since I look just like her.Jay is always such a good sport at all your events!
Slap some makeup on that 70 year old and she will still be rockin’. I just added this place to my list Gotta go!
I need to take my girls to the Science centre one day… hope that ageing this is not there though…. scary… get some moisturiser into you FAST! LOL