A Dress Up Station

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

I still have more work to do on this project, but I wanted to give you a sneak peek at how it's coming along.

There is a little girl in our house who loves to play dress-up.  This is the box I decorated for her to store all of her non-hanging dress-ups; things like pom poms, and gloves.   Can you believe I have been carrying this box around for 3 years.  I purchased it at Ikea for around $10, knowing that I wanted to make a costume box out of it, but hadn't got around to it until recently.  Now I need to do the little mans too (but not with flowers) … and preferably before he outgrows the role playing phase.

Organizing dress-ups

As you can see I went a little crazy with the flower purchases at Michael's … and the hot glue too. 

Dress up station

My plan is to have some kind of cabinet to frame the dress up station, but I'm yet to find the perfect solution.   I also need to make her a jewelry organizer similar to mine and we need to locate her box of wands, which are probably in the bottomless pit of packing boxes in the garage along with my coffee mugs and clothes.

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Tonya Staab July 2, 2011 - 1:09 pm

you are forgiven, but only because I love you and it's normally me who stuffs things up 🙂

Annie @ Mama Dweeb July 2, 2011 - 12:42 pm

I love the flowers on the top! What a pretty box. My 4 yo daughter loves to dress up too (In fact we have that same dorothy costume LOL) I should really decorate my own box like that.

And that pic of her and Aerial is beautiful!

Rebecca Garner July 2, 2011 - 12:56 pm

LOVE IT!!! is it the little “toy box” from Ikea? I just got rid of one before the move :o( dang it lol Looks great Kira!

Rebecca Garner July 2, 2011 - 12:57 pm

sorry, I was reading FB & looking at this lol
I did not mean to call you Kira lmbo!!!


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