Learning to tell the time

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

We are gearing up to move house in a couple of days, and in an effort to pare down our household goods I have been de-cluttering, donating and recycling.  You may remember that in an attempt prevent our house from becoming over-run with artwork from the kids I started photographing it and having hard-cover coffee table style books made.  Well I hadn't done this with any of Jay's artwork yet, and there were boxes of it stored in the garage, so  one day I sat down with my camera, photographed all of the pieces I absolutely loved, then recycled 95% of it.  Marisol was helping me sort through it all when she came upon a clock Jay had made when he was little.

wood clock for kids

The twins immediately wanted to play with it, thus a little arguing ensued as they debated on who could play first, and second, and so on.

So I suggested that they make clocks of their own.  They are very interested in learning to tell the time.  Every night they check the clock to see when it is their bedtime and again in the mornings before school. 

We shopped for a few supplies at Walmart and Michaels and then set to work making their very own clocks.

handmade kids clocks

What you need:

  • Large wood circles (available at craft stores)
  • Small wood circles (available at craft stores)
  • Thick paper or cardboard (we used a thick scrapbook cardstock)
  • Number stamps and stamp pads
  • X-TREME school glue stick
  • Thumb tacks
  • Paint and brushes

To make:

Have the kids paint the large circle and set aside to dry.  While it is drying have them stamp the numbers for the clock onto the small wooden circles.

Once the large painted circle has dried, attach the smaller wood circles to it using the X-TREME glue.  Now cut the clock hands out of card stock and attach using a thumb tack.  Make sure you donn't push the thumb tack in all the way though because you want the hands to be able to move.

How to make an educational clock

Now they have their own clocks to use as they learn to tell time and for when they are role-playing. 

Some fun role-playing and time-related activities include:

  1. What's the time Mr. Wolf
  2. Playing class teacher and student
  3. Singing Hickory Dickory Dock and showing the time on their clock as they sing


Disclosure: This #xtremeschoolglue project has been compensated as part of a craft recipe project using Elmer's #collectivebias #gluenglitter

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Amy @ Dealusional May 28, 2011 - 5:22 pm

That is so clever and a great learning resource! Emma learned to tell time on a little clock like that, but I wasn’t nearly as crafty as you and thus purchased one 🙂

Samantha @ A Little Simplicity May 28, 2011 - 6:07 pm

Very cute! I also love the idea of taking pictures and making coffee books of the art/crafts! Very resourceful way of de-cluttering since those projects can easily pile up.

Tonya Staab May 29, 2011 - 9:37 pm

Thank you Amy :).

hot penny stocks September 21, 2011 - 9:09 pm

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