How to make a flower pen just like you see in offices where you need to sign in or leave feedback.
I think this fairy wand broke when it ran out of magical wishes, but instead of throwing it away, I decided to turn it into a flower pen that Miss M could use.
Unfortunately, it would have been all but impossible to repair the wand without pulling it apart completely. So, I decided to re-purpose it.
Whenever I'm in my office Marisol likes to come in, borrow pen and paper and lay down on the floor to draw next to me. I thought it might be nice if she had her own very special pen to draw with whenever she comes in.
To transform her beautiful wand into a pen this is what I did:
- Cut the broken wood attached to the flower to about 1.5cm long.
- Remove the end of a pen.
- Wrap ribbon around the length of the pen, gluing it at each end
- Using a hot glue gun, apply glue to the wooden end on the flower and insert it into the end of the pen.
- Tie pretty ribbons over the glued section.
I love seeing pretty pens like this in doctor's offices and other places where we need to sign in or there's a book to sign.
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1 comment
This is one of my standard little things I make for friends. I just buy silk flowers and I love to use chiffon ribbon on a see-through pen.