I love teaching the kids how to cook. I think it's very important to get them into the kitchen from an early age and thank goodness they love to help out. Jayden has no trouble baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch, making fruit smoothies or whipping up whole wheat penne with pesto for dinner.
Marisol didn't want to get messy tonight so she was a little more hesitant to help with this dish, but did give it a go when I told her to make the meatballs just like she would make play-doh balls. Flynn however dove right in.
Delicious! And the kids ate every mouthful.
Now I have to give credit where credit is due. I'd had some ground turkey in the freezer for a week or so and was wondering what I should do with it when I happened upon a discussion on Facebook with Cheryl about meatloaf, which turned into a request for one of her friends to post a recipe for turkey meatballs. Unfortunately I didn't have all the ingredients I needed to make the ones that were suggested so I decided to throw a few things into a bowl and see how it turned out. I'm also not one for measuring, so if you plan on making these, I apologize in advance.
Ground turkey
1 1/2 cups bread crumbs
1 onion (finely chopped)
2 eggs
thyme (approx 1 tbs)
Everyday seasoning (Trader Joe's have a great one that comes in a grinder)
salt & pepper to taste
Combine ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Roll into small balls and cook in a frying pan on the stove. Once browned, add your favorite sauce to the pan and cook until heated through.
Can you send Jayden my way?????
These look yummy! We do not have turkey in many forms here.
You are so right! When my daughter makes it…she always eats it 🙂
So funny about Miss M not wanting to get messy!
I love cooking with the kids and I think meatballs is going to be our next dish together, thanks to you!!!
ps….Flynn’s messy shirt cracks me up!!
Those look awesome! I will definitely have to try that. I love meatball stew 🙂