by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

hosted by Lotus

All photographs taken with a Canon Rebel XT'

Yesterday I took Marisol to a fairy festival at Summer’s Past Farms.  It was a beautiful sunny day and aside from the hundreds of fairies there and the fact that we had no idea what on earth we were doing for the first hour and wandered around like lost fairies, we had a wonderful day together.   They really need to organize their festival a little better so that fairies who have pre-booked for the tea party know where to check in and can find seating.  It was a little like a concert in that people must have been there bright and early to put dibs on seats as there were blankets and jackets and water bottles strategically placed to mark the fairies territory.   We had a lovely time though dancing to the band, wandering through the gardens spotting lady bugs, bees and baby birds and playing hide ‘n seek with other little fairies.  I purchased a couple of fairy books in the gift shop and we sat out in the sunshine and read them and enjoyed a yummy lunch of pink and purple sandwiches, fruit and cookies.

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Today I woke up feeling icky.  I’ve been having what feels like one constant asthma attack for the past 24 hours and my airways feel about the size of a pin, but I had to drop the hubby off at the airport this morning (don’t worry he’ll only be gone a couple of days) and Jay had a sleepover at his best friends house last night so there was going to be no rest for this poor mama today.  15 minutes after getting home the twins were already driving me batty with their whining and fighting so I picked up Jay and his friend and took all the kids to the swimming pool for a few hours.   It may have only been 74 degrees, but the kids didn’t mind and I was able to lay on a chair and flick through a magazine in peace (except for the guys playing volleyball right behind me and a party at the club next door) and soak up a few rays.

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Vicky June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Wow, these are absolutely beautiful! It is quite hard to choose a favorite. I do love the one where the fairy is hiding behind the tree– hilarious! I also love her looking at the waterfall. I love the closeup of the ladybug! I am absolutely amazed by the baby hummingbirds!This is a phenomenal set!

Smoochiefrog June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

What a beautiful fairy she is!She looks like she had a blast in the pool.

my little buttercup June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

tutu cute! how fun!What pool were you at, how great!

Ali, Ryan and Rayna June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Tonya, they are all soooo beautiful…youve got a way with the camera, for sure! I do believe Marisol gets more beautiful each time I see your photos of her! Ry is definitely going to have some serious competition!!! 😉

cat June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Oh Tonya, she is the most adorable faerie! I love spending time alone with my little girl doing girl things. Hope you feel better today girl!de

The Romero-Schroeder June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Great pictures, she looked so lovely, i love the picture behind the tree!!!!!!!!!

BenLand June 7, 2009 - 5:00 pm

your pictures are gorgeous! your daughter looks like she had a wonderful time at the fairy party 🙂

Sheri June 8, 2009 - 5:00 pm

What fun. I wish we could have gone with you. The pic of the hummingbird is amazing!!

Emma in Canada June 9, 2009 - 5:00 pm

Looks like an amazing day! I have a couple of little fairies who would love to do something like that. I thinkI would have to do some searching round these parts!

Brooke June 9, 2009 - 5:00 pm

What pretty pics and what a fun event! I want to go!!!


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