How to Create a Simple Ribbon Rack

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

I have been knee deep in a tangled mess of ribbons.  Primarily because they seem to have gone everywhere in the packing boxes during our move and secondly because the twins found them and well let's just say that they love playing with ribbons.

This simple ribbon rack can be made in less than 30 minutes and costs under $15 (depending on the size and number of rails required).

ribbon holders

We had some left over maple from the wall-mounted pencil holder project so I had my husband bring out his trusty drill and attach the 2 pieces to the wall with screws.

While shopping at Michael's during the week for an art project I am working on I found some 36" 3/8" dowel rods for 59 cents each.  Then at Target I found 2-packs of 3" ceiling hooks.  I cannot remember the exact price I paid, but I am pretty sure they were under $3 a pack.

ribbon rack

So, once the wood is screwed to the wall, attach the hooks in even spaces to the wood, then place the dowel rod on each hook. 

The ceiling hooks are the perfect length once screwed into the wood to keep the ribbon from hitting the wall as you are unwinding it, and also for keeping the dowel rod in place so it doesn't roll around.  

Tip: Don't throw out the cardboard holders once there is no ribbon left.  I find that I am always in need of these for ribbon that I collect from thrift shops and the dollar section at Target.  

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Carolyn April 29, 2012 - 12:11 pm

That is such a good idea!

Tonya Staab October 17, 2012 - 6:42 am

That's a great idea.  Thank you for the suggestion, I might just have to do that.

[email protected] October 17, 2012 - 6:37 am

i love this idea very simple, you could get nice wall paper at the back and paint the wood to all match 😀

Carol Whittlesea March 12, 2021 - 1:43 am

For my ribbons I used an picture frame,took the back off, then used picture hooks to hold the doweling polls on, I like the idea

Jan April 25, 2024 - 5:55 pm

great idea


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