Fun Winter Lunch Idea For Kids

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

A delicious snowman themed lunch for kids is the perfect way to welcome the winter weather.

 UPDATE: This craft project was initially created for a website by the name of Kidzui, however that website no longer exists.

This easy lunch idea for kids is perfect for the holiday season and to include in their school lunch box.

Snowman Sandwich


  • Snowman cookie cutter
  • Whole Wheat Bread
  • Tropical Tie-Dye Fruit Roll-Ups
  • Raisins
  • Sandwich filling such as cheese, pb&j, or nutella
  • Marshmallows

If you are using soft ingredients such as pb&j or nutella, cut each slice of bread separately with the cookie cutter, then carefully spread the filling onto one cut slice and top with the other.  If you are using a filling such as cheese or lunch meat, you can assemble your sandwich and then cut it if you like.

Cut a thin strip of a roll-up and snip the ends to create a fringed scarf.  Then freehand a hat and nose out of the leftover roll-up.

Next, snip a small section of a couple of raisins to make the eyes and use the larger section of the cut raisin for the buttons.

Sprinkle a few marshmallows around your snowman and serve!

Kids will love this fun snowman treat.   Have you made any fun lunches for your kids?  Share them in the comments below.




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angie January 11, 2012 - 3:08 pm

Heading over now. So fun. I love all of your crafty ideas!

Tonya Staab January 12, 2012 - 2:12 pm

Thanks Angie 🙂

Amy @ The Mom Hood January 12, 2012 - 12:33 pm

How adorable is that?! Love it, Tonya!


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