Peppermint Bark

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Peppermint Bark


White Chocolate

Peppermint Candy Canes

Dark and milk chocolate

Place your candy canes into a zip lock bag, seal and attack crush into small pieces with a rolling pin.  This is something the kids will love to do while you move onto the next step – or better still, let the kids make the peppermint bark themselves (under supervision of course).

Break white chocolate into small chunks and melt in the microwave, 30 seconds at a time, stirring in-between.

Combine the white chocolate and candy canes in a bowl.  Pour onto parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Spread until approximately a 1/2 centimeter thick.  Pop it in the refrigerator until set.

Once set, break into pieces, no need to make them perfect.

Melt the dark and milk chocolate in separate microwave safe bowls.   Dip one end of each white chocolate/peppermint piece into either the milk or dark chocolate.  Place carefully on parchment paper and back into the refrigerator to set.

Serve with tea, coffee or hot chocolate after a meal. 

Tip:  You can shave your peppermint bark to use as a topping for hot chocolate.  It also makes a lovely gift bundled up into a pretty package and tied with a ribbon.

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