Kindergarten Christmas Crafts and Art Projects

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Are you looking for some easy Christmas crafts for kids to make? These kindergarten Christmas crafts and art projects are perfect!

Have I mentioned how much I love the twins’ kindergarten teacher? I’ve voiced my opinion numerous times about the lack of arts and crafts in schools, but you won’t hear a single complaint from me this year. Not only do I get to volunteer in class with small groups doing arts and crafts, but their teacher actively encourages them to do fun and creative projects.

Here are just some of the Christmas crafts that I was able to help out with over the past few weeks. There are so many more that I will try to remember to share too.

Kindergarten Christmas crafts and art

Reindeer fingerprint card

reindeer fingerprint card
This reindeer fingerprint card is absolutely adorable.

What you need

  • Blue and white card stock
  • Brown paint
  • Black and red marker
  • White glitter glue
  • Glue
  • Paintbrush


Fold your piece of blue card stock in half to make a card.

Tear pieces of the white card stock to make snow and glue it to the bottom of the card.

Paint your child’s fingers with brown paint and let them press them onto the blue card stock to make the reindeer’s body and head.

Add the rest of the features for your reindeer using the markers.

Use the white glitter glue to make a fun pattern on the snow and then set your reindeer card aside to dry.

More kindergarten Christmas crafts

various kindergarten christmas crafts
1. Gingerbread people on plates were used as props for their holiday concert to sing “Gingerbread Cookies”. 2. Cut and paste snowman project. 3. Coloring stocking – note the matching colors to the number of objects in each section.
collage of christmas crafts for kindergarten
1. Christmas tree by numbers. 2. Poinsettias (these were framed for parents) – acrylic paint was used for the poinsettias and watercolors to make the stained glass windows behind them.

More Christmas crafts for kids

Are you looking for even more fun and easy Christmas crafts that you can do with the kids this year? Take a look at these:

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1 comment December 6, 2013 - 8:42 pm

I adore this craft and have included a link back to this page in my Ultimate Reindeer Craft and Activity Guide for Busy Parents!


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