Moving house has been totally kicking my behind this summer. I can't seem to unpack boxes fast enough and have spent more time packing, unpacking, cleaning and driving trucks than I ever wanted to, so it makes me smile when a space finally comes together and I can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Aside from the kids bedrooms (of course), one of the first areas I wanted to decorate is our entryway. I haven't completely finished, because it's quite a large space, but when you first walk in the door, this is what you are greeted by …
I still may add more art and photos to the wall as I unpack boxes, but for now, I love how simple and pretty it is. It makes me happy to look at this space. Or maybe I will just re-do this gallery wall on the stairway directly above.
If you pop over to The Centsible Life, I've posted a tutorial on how I turned an umbrella stand into the lovely succulent planter you can see in the image above.
I'll be sure to post more photos as I get rooms decorated. I've been working on the craft room / loft space for myself and the kids to craft together. It's coming along nicely.