The Odd Life of Timothy Green Crafts

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Make these fun fall leaf crafts and activities inspired by The Odd Life of Timothy Green movie.

Disclosure: I was invited to an advance screening of The Odd Life of Timothy Green

What a beautiful, heart-warming movie. My little ones are too young to really understand it or sit through it, and it's not the type of movie my teenager would watch (unfortunately), but gosh I just loved it. If I'd not been invited, I would have had to see it with girlfriends. There are beautiful messages to children that they really should hear before heading back to school this fall, especially if you have a child who struggles with feeling different. I cried throughout the entire screening. Blubbering, make-up running down my face kind of crying. Pack tissues, you will need them.

In fact, make a few of these handmade felt tissue packet holders to take with you.

Felt tissue holder

I wish I'd thought to make these before I went instead of cramming a handful of tissues at the check-in desk into my bag as I walked in – although I'm extremely thankful they'd placed a box of tissues out for us. 

All you need to make these are:

  • Felt
  • Embroidery Thread
  • Sewing Machine

Cut a piece of felt approximately 6.5" x 6". This was the size I needed for a purse pack of Kleenex tissues. The best way to get your accurate measurements though is to place your pack of tissues on a piece of paper, fold so that the ends meet on top of the tissue packet and then cut to use as a template.

Once you've cut your felt, fold the longest sides in toward the middle, then sew the ends (see below).

felt tissue holder

I didn't like that the opening was so large so using a piece of embroidery thread that matched the felt I hand-sewed a few stitches about 1cm in from each side.

Using some of the leftover felt, cut out a leaf in a different color. Hand-stitch it to the backside of the tissue holder using embroidery thread, then using a dark brown add the detail for the leaf.

how to felt leaf


I just love these crafts I found on Spoonful too.

The odd life of timothy green projects for kids


Make these sweet leaf notes and pencil toppers for the kids (or for leaving little lunch notes in your kids' lunchboxes when they return to school).

Odd Life of Timothy Green Craft Projects

The Odd Life of Timothy Green will be in theaters on August 15th. That gives you plenty of time to whip up a few of these fun crafts to take with you.

You will love the movie!


Please pin this project for later:

Handmade felt tissue packet holder fall craft

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Sherry August 14, 2012 - 6:18 am

So preety .. I love how you tied it in with the movie

Tonya Staab August 14, 2012 - 9:02 am

Thank you Sherry.

marcela February 10, 2015 - 3:06 pm

Wow… these are beautiful! Thanks so much!


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