DIY Stamped Salt Dough Ornaments for Christmas

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

These DIY stamped salt dough ornaments are a wonderful project for the whole family to make together to decorate your Christmas tree.

I know, Christmas has been and gone and we are all gearing up for the new year, but I went offline for most of the week to spend quality time with the kids and just enjoy the holiday season.

The weekend before Christmas I set up a fun holiday craft project for all the kids to do together. Of course, the boys ended up not being interested at all, for them this meant they could play video games without interruption, but the girls had a great time.

salt dough ornaments that have been stamped with designs on a counter
DIY stamped salt dough ornaments for Christmas.

Salt dough ornaments

Salt dough ornaments are so easy to make, making them the perfect holiday craft project for kids.

Note: I had each of the girls make their own salt dough, so the ingredients listed below are per child.

Ingredients for the salt dough recipe

  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1/2 cup fine salt
  • 1/2 cup water

Supplies for decorating

  • Rolling pin
  • Stamps
  • Stamp pads
  • Straw
  • Mod Podge


Preheat the oven to 170F – it’s the lowest temperature the oven will most likely go.

Combine the ingredients for the dough in a bowl, mixing thoroughly with your hands until it’s completely combined and can be rolled into a ball.

On the table, I taped butcher paper to contain most of the mess (which worked fabulously until someone suggested a flour fight). Then I added containers for stamp pads, stamps, and assorted cookie and sandwich cutters.

cookie and sandwich cutters in a container for crafting
Use cookie cutters to make salt dough Christmas ornaments.
stamps in a container for crafting
Use rubber stamps to decorate salt dough ornaments.

Each of the girls had their own cutting board for rolling out the dough along with a small bowl of flour for dusting the board and the rolling pin.

girl rolling out dough to make ornaments
Kids making DIY Christmas ornaments.
girl making heart shaped salt dough ornaments
salt dough ornaments that have been cut out on a cutting board
girls making salt dough ornaments

Once all of the dough had been rolled, cut, and stamped, I used a straw to make a hole for the twine.

how to put holes in salt dough ornaments for hanging them
Use a straw to make a hole for hanging your salt dough ornaments.

Craft tip: If you twirl the straw as you are pushing it through the dough, the dough will go up inside the straw leaving a lovely neat hole.

stamped salt dough ornaments made by kids

Place the ornaments on a baking sheet with parchment paper and put it into the oven for about 3 hours. Leave the tray on the counter to cool. You can leave the ornaments here for a couple of days so they continue to harden.

Once completely set, apply a coat of Mod Podge to each side to help protect it. Put twine through the hole and hangyour ornament on the tree.

a handmade salt dough christmas present ornament hanging on a tree
A salt dough Christmas ornament hanging on a tree.

More DIY Christmas ornaments

Are you looking for more homemade Christmas ornaments to make with the kids this year? You need to take a look at these:

Please pin this project for later

salt dough ornaments Pinterest image

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1 comment

tonya towery October 16, 2021 - 5:09 pm

thank you i hope to try it soon


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