A Raspberry Moscato Cocktail for Valentine’s Day

by Tonya Staab
Published: Updated:

Looking for a romantic wine cocktail to serve to your love this Valentine’s Day? You’ll love this raspberry moscato cocktail.

Disclosure:  This Sweet’N Low Raspberry Moscato Cocktail is part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #SweetNLowStars

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and this light and refreshing Raspberry Moscato Cocktail is the perfect way to start your celebrations. 

a pink cocktail with heart shaped ice cubes and raspberries on top

Raspberry Moscato Cocktail

Serves: 2 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 3.7/5
( 35 voted )


  • 3/4 cup dry ginger ale
  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1/2 pkt Sweet'N Low
  • 1 cup pink Moscato chilled - I love the Gallo Family Pink Moscato
  • heart-shaped ice cubes


  1. Before you do anything else, make sure your Moscato is chilled and you have heart-shaped ice cubes in the freezer - if you have a heart-shaped ice tray, and if not, any ice cubes will do.
  2. In a blender combine the ginger ale, raspberries, and Sweet'N Low. This will make just over a cup, which you will divide in half for two glasses.
  3. Place a few ice cubes into the glass, add the raspberry mixture (half per glass), and then top with the pink Moscato.
  4. Add a raspberry garnish to the top - I threaded a few onto a fun drink stirrer.
  5. Now drop a few heart-shaped ice cubes carefully on top.
a punnet of raspberries and a packet of sweet 'n low
a red cocktail in a glass
raspberries on a stick placed on top of a red cocktail
a red cocktail garnished with raspberries and heart shaped ice cubes
a cocktail glass with a pink cocktail for valentine's day

Did you know Sweet’N Low is low calorie and diabetic friendly?

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rhiannon {paperclips and peonies} January 13, 2015 - 6:51 pm

So colourful! Love the ice cubes.

Melissa Burton January 13, 2015 - 10:47 pm

I love the look of this cocktail and since Valentine’s Day is my birthday, it might be something I’d try (minus the Sweet & Low – it’s real sugar or nothing for this Registered Dietitian).


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